Saturday, December 19, 2015

From Lost Keys to Broken Hearts

I've always heard that God answers prayer in three different ways: "yes", "wait" or "no".  I have seen these three responses play out in my life over the past four weeks, and have spent most of today pondering these experiences and how they have impacted my view of prayer.  Here are my stories:

Just after Thanksgiving, we realized we had lost one of our car keys.  Since we are leasing a newer car, these aren't the good old fashioned "go to Wal-mart and make another one" keys...these are the high tech, customized, fancy keys.  We made do with one set while we searched the house, the car, various purses, coat pockets, etc.  Last Thursday I finally admitted defeat and asked Geoff to call the dealer about getting a new one.  The cost for ONE key?  $350!!  I immediately started praying, simply asking God to help us find the lost key.  When Jack and I got in the car to go home after school, we prayed together for the lost key.  Shortly after getting home we were driving Annie to the orthodontist, and I shared with her my dismay that the new key would cost $350.  She casually replied, "Oh.  I found the key and put it back."  WHAT?!?!  It turns out that at some point she had taken the key (which also had a house key on it), brought it up to her room (most likely in her backpack) and then put it in one of her drawers (no explanation for that!).  That afternoon (AS I WAS PRAYING), she went looking for a calculator in her drawers and found the key.  I was immensely relieved and full of praise that God had answered our prayers....saving us $350 and providing an invaluable life lesson to our children about prayer and trusting God.  What a joy it is when God's answer is "Yes!"

However....the answer isn't always "yes"....sometimes it is "wait".  We have watched this play out over the past 2 years as we have prayed over Annie's brain injury.  So many prayers....some mixed with tears, some mixed with anger, all mixed with desperation.  I may never know why God's response was "wait".  I know that He could have protected her from the injury, but He chose not to. I know that He could have healed her immediately, but He chose not to.  Why did it take us so long to diagnose the brain injury?  Why did it take so long to find the right doctors?  Why did she have to give up so much of her high school experience to this injury?  Asking why can make you crazy....waiting can make you the end of the day, you are left with doubt or faith.  I did my best to choose faith -- choosing to believe that God is good, that He loves Annie even more than we do, that He was in control.  Today, exactly 2 years and 3 months after her injury, she was finally declared "cleared" by her doctors.  The waiting was painful, but when the ultimate answer is "Yes!", there is praise and thanksgiving.

I wish I could end there....but sometimes God says "no".  You may have seen on my facebook page that four weeks ago our friends lost their 12 year old daughter to a fatal genetic disorder.  Oh, how I prayed for Wavey! I prayed for healing, I prayed for a cure, I prayed for miraculous intervention. When Wavey passed into Jesus' presence four weeks ago, it seemed as though my prayers had fallen on deaf ears.  While I know that she is now in heaven -- whole, complete, healed -- that is not what I wanted.  That was not what I prayed for.  I long for her to be here....with her mom and dad, with her a full and happy life. So, what do you do when God says "no"?  How do you respond when His plan is not your plan? How do you generate praise and gratitude when your heart is broken?

What I have learned this month is that the same God who said "yes" to the lost keys is the same God who made us "wait" two years for Annie to recover and the same God who seemed to say "no" by healing Wavey according to His will, not mine.  Isaiah 55:8-9 has taken on a whole new meaning for me this month: " For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways, declares the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts"

I am not God. I cannot see the big picture.  I do not hold eternity in the palm of my hand. For me, the value of prayer is not found in the answer, but in the exercise of faith to bring my requests to a loving Father and leave them there, trusting that He knows best.  So whether the answer is a joyful yes, an agonizing wait, or a heartbreaking no, I will continue to pray in faith -- believing that God WILL answer....and that His answer is ALWAYS rooted in His goodness and love.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Falling Asleep on God

For most of my life I have enjoyed some of my sweetest moments of prayer in my bed, either before going to sleep or when I wake up sometime during the night.  Quite often, if not always, these times of prayer end with me falling asleep mid-prayer and waking up to the horrible realization that, once again, I fell asleep on God.

I've often (always?) felt that this was rude and disrespectful and that God must surely be displeased with me for my lack of attention.  After all, how would I feel if I were having a significant conversation with someone and they fell asleep mid sentence?  I think I would feel pretty slighted, to say the least.

This morning I am pondering a new perspective on this issue.  I have been thinking about my own children, and how I would feel if they came to me at the end of the day or the middle of the night because they had fears/worries/concerns that they needed to share with me. What would my reaction be if I looked over at some point and realized that my child, who had been feeling anxious/nervous/fearful, was now sleeping soundly because my presence, my love for them, my willingness to listen, had calmed them to such an extent that they could finally drift off to sleep?  Would I be angry with them?  Would I feel slighted that they didn't care enough to finish our conversation?  Of course not.  I would be delighted that, in the comfort of my presence, they found rest.

When I think about what I believe to be true about God (His infinite love, His never-ending grace, His immeasurable mercy), it leads me to the conclusion that my Heavenly Father doesn't feel slighted when I snuggle in to His presence and find rest.  I think about when Jesus said, "Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest."  Yes, I know that in the original Greek this may not mean "I will allow you to lay down in your cozy bed and sleep", but might that be at least a part of it?  That bringing our burdens to our kind and loving God brings us to a place of rest, even literal sleep?

So -- I will press on with my nighttime dates with God.  If those moments end with a conclusive "Amen", so be it.  If those moments end with me drifting off to sleep in the loving arms of my Father, so be it.  Regardless of the outcome, at the end of the day (pun intended!) there is no place I would rather be than resting in the comfort and presence of my precious God.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

The Bubble in The Ceiling

I spent most of Valentine's Day in a bad mood. Not just your average, run-of-the-mill bad mood....this was the full on "I hate the entire world and everyone in it" bad mood.  I'll spare you the details, but -- bottom line -- I was NOT feelin' the love on Valentine's Day.

Around 5:30 PM I went upstairs to make myself presentable for our family Valentine celebration, and, by God's grace, the Holy Spirit began to prick my conscience and let me know that I really needed to get my act together before dinner.  So, I began to think about WHY I was in such a bad mood and then began to pray about those things as I put in my contacts and put on some make-up. 

As I prayed, I realized part of the anger was from the constant pressure I feel over the work we need to have done on our house; BIG jobs that we simply cannot afford.  Our 25 year old roof needs to be replaced. Our original, 25 year old windows need to be replaced (I was reminded of this as I felt the freezing cold air blowing through our CLOSED, LOCKED window in the bathroom). Our 25 year old HVAC is holding its own, but with predicted wind chills hitting 24 below, I was feeling nervous.

As I was praying, trying to entrust these things to God, Jack came running up the stairs yelling "There is a bubble on the ceiling!"  (some of you may have seen the lovely picture on Facebook). Earlier in the day, due to a faulty toilet in Annie's bathroom (read:  another home improvement we can't afford), we had a pretty serious flood.  We thought is was dealt with, we thought it was cleaned up, until we saw The Bubble.  Chaos ensued -- "Geoff!  Come quick!" "Susie, get a bucket!" "Annie, go get the step ladder!"  Then the horror of puncturing the bubble, catching the water, peeling off the bubbled paint, trying to discern just how bad it was going to get.

Here's the funny part -- at this point I should have come unglued.  After an entire day of being angry about everything and at everyone I should have either burst into tears or started screaming profanities. My reaction?  I almost started giggling.  I so clearly saw God's sense of humor in this.  "You want a real crisis?  You want something to really worry about? Tired of "What ifs"?  Here is a concrete, in-your-face opportunity to trust Me and believe that I will take care of you."  And, in that moment, I chose to trust Him.  I chose to believe that He will take care of this, that He will provide whatever we need to fix this damage and move on.  And then all the anger, all the stress, disappeared as I was reminded that I believe in a God I can trust....all the time.

So -- we cleared the mess off the ceiling, set the bucket on the ladder to catch the drips, went into the dining room and proceeded to have one the best family Valentine's dinners any of us can remember!  We sat at the table for almost two hours and had an AMAZING evening together.  God is so good.  To meet me in my anger, my fear, my disappointment and remind me that He is not only the God of the Universe, He is the God of The Bubble in the Ceiling.