Sunday, September 15, 2013

Gray Hair and Promises Kept

My husband has gray hair.....and I love it!!  Not only because it increases his overall handsomeness, but because his gray hair represents a promise kept: a promise that we would grow old together.

Today, September 15, we are CELEBRATING our 23rd wedding anniversary.  This year is particularly poignant for me, as I am coming off a year of deep pain, a year of significant growth, a year of recovery.  We have had some dark days in the past year, yet here we are -- celebrating another year of life together.

This past year has tested our wedding vows more so than any other.  Geoff has seen me at my worst, and still believes in the best in me.  We have faced significant financial stress, and Geoff has been the one to whisper in my ear, "God will provide."  We have learned that sickness comes in many forms, and on my darkest days, Geoff has been the one to lovingly lead me back to the Light.  He has honored me, he has cherished me, he has been faithful to me.

So, today I celebrate.  Not a life of perfection, for life has proven to be far from perfect.  I celebrate a God who has blessed us and cared for us individually and as a family, and I celebrate a husband who has been a shining example to me of commitment and unconditional love.  I step into our 24th year of marriage with confidence....confidence in a God who loves me, and confidence in a man who has proven himself to be the true prince of my fairytale, gray hair and all!!  Happy Anniversary, indeed.


  1. So happy for you both!

    "Gray hair is a crown of glory; it is gained in a righteous life." ~ Prov. 16:31 :)

    And even though it's not as popular, I love this verse of "How Firm a Foundation"
    Even down to old age all My people shall prove
    My sovereign, eternal, unchangeable love;
    And when hoary hairs shall their temples adorn,
    Like lambs they shall still in My bosom be borne.

  2. What a fun day that day was. I remember especially the end of saying good-bye every weekend, and the commissioning from your family!
